Image Metric Solutions


Template designer

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Template Designer creates and edits Sharpness Template Files. These template files are necessary for the “Sharpness”, “Alignment”, and “Step Chart” Analysis Algorithms. Template files contain an image of the target, either from the original target artwork or from the camera image in the test system, and the pattern match and measurement information. All Template Files are saved as 8-bit images, this is necessary for pattern match functions, but focus calculations are performed on the image data passed to the Analysis Algorithm. If you created a Focus Template file with an image bit depth of >8 the Image Metrics will scale it to 8-bit automatically.

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The template file items must follow an order in the list for proper execution of the template file. The hierarchy must start with a "Pattern Match" ROI descriptor, then a "Measurement Group", then a "Measurement ROI". You can have multiple Measurement Groups under a Pattern Match object, plus you can have multiple Measurement ROI’s in a Measurement Group. If there are multiple Measurement ROIs under a Measurement Group then their sharpness scores will be averaged and reported as one value for the measurement group. The Template consist of the 2 ROI types, “Pattern Match ROIs” and “Measurement ROIs”. The “Measurement ROI” is where the pixel data is analyzed based on the ROI Type.

Main Functions

Template Preview

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The Template window is where you draw and preview your ROI’s. All item types are color coded for clear and easy viewing on the Template Image. You can also import another image into the Template without redrawing all of your ROI items. The image window can zoom, pan, and has a pointer tool that returns the image pixel value at that mouse location.

Pattern Match ROI

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The items list is shown on the left-hand side pane listing all of the items in the template file. There is an edit pane just above that to modify the item parameters. You can add and delete items and re-order them by click and drag them to new position in the list. You can duplicate items in the list by control-click and drag to make copies of one item or multiple items. To add or modify the ROI just select the ROI in the list and the image window will show a green ROI for you to modify. By using the ROI tool from the image toolbar, you can resize the ROI and re-position it or use the “Position and Size” control in the edit pane. The Pattern Match ROI only has size and position parameters.

Measurement Group

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The items list is shown on the left-hand side pane listing all of the items in the template file. There is an edit pane just above that to modify the item parameters. You can add and delete items and re-order them by click and drag them to new position in the list. You can duplicate items in the list by control-click and drag to make copies of one item or multiple items. To add or modify the ROI just select the ROI in the list and the image window will show a green ROI for you to modify. By using the ROI tool from the image toolbar, you can resize the ROI and re-position it or use the “Position and Size” control in the edit pane. The Measurement Group ROI has position parameters, plus the test frequency and unit type. The Measurement Group can be moved but not resized, the Measurement ROI's within the group determine the size of the group.

Measurement ROI

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The items list is shown on the left-hand side pane listing all of the items in the template file. There is an edit pane just above that to modify the item parameters. You can add and delete items and re-order them by click and drag them to new position in the list. You can duplicate items in the list by control-click and drag to make copies of one item or multiple items. To add or modify the ROI just select the ROI in the list and the image window will show a green ROI for you to modify. By using the ROI tool from the image toolbar, you can resize the ROI and re-position it or use the “Position and Size” control in the edit pane. The Measurement ROI has size and position parameters, plus the measurement type.


OBJECT ITEM Template Designer uses ROI’s (Region Of Interest) rectangles drawn on target image to define where to search for a sharpness object. They can be easily resized and moved for optimal positioning.
SHARPNESS PARAMETERS A measurement group has sharpness parameters that define how the sharpness will be evaluated and reported for that group. You can select SFR and the frequency of interest in “cy/mm”, “Ny/n”, or “cy/pixel”. You can also select MTF and its value to return a “LW/PH” (Line Pairs/Picture Height). CTF (Contrast Transfer Function) is another option.
DELTA MEASUREMENTS Delta Measurements are useful for calculating corner sharpness balance, by entering the same Delta Label name in each corner focus Measurement group. If a Delta Label is entered, then this will be part of a delta measurement with another Measurement Group that has the same Delta Label. There can be any number of Measurement Groups with the same Delta Label. This Measurement Group will make its measurement as usual but will calculate the Maximum and Minimum values of this Delta Group and report the Delta Label=Maximum-Minimum result in the report.

Computer requirements

Item Minimum Recommended
Processor Duo Core or equivalent i7 Quad Core or greater
RAM 8GB 16 GB or greater
Screen Resolution 1440 x 900 pixels 1920 x 1080 pixels or greater
Operating System Windows 8/7 Pro
Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
Disk Space 100 MB 100 MB